UNIT-1 ( Thermodynamics and energy )

UNIT-2 ( Properties of pure substance )

TOPICS:- p-v and T-s diagram for a pure substance, Mollier diagram for a pure substance, Quality or dryness fraction, Steam tables, Methods for measurement of steam quality, Relevant review problems.

Class Test 1 PYQ's

Class Test 1 PYQ's Solutions

UNIT-3 ( )

Ideal cycle for spark ignition engines, Thermodynamic analysis of Diesel cycle: Ideal cycle for compression ignition engines, Comparison of Otto and Diesel cycles, Effect of Specific Heat and Dissociation on the performance of the cycles, Relevant review problems.

UNIT-4 ( Metal Casting )

TOPICS:- Classification and overview of metal casting processes: sand casting, expandable mould casting and permanent mould casting; Patterns, cores and moulding; Elements of gating systems; Heating, pouring and solidification; Casting quality: cleaning, finishing and defects.

UNIT-5 ( Welding and Machining )

TOPICS:- Fundamentals of welding and overview of welding processes: Oxy- Acetylene gas welding, Arc welding: TIG, MIG, SAW etc., Resistance welding; Soldering & Brazing; weld quality and defects; Fundamentals of metal machining and introduction to turning and related operations; Constructional features of lathe, Geometry of single point cutting tool and cutting tool materials.

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Made By:-"Abhay Bhadauriya (CSE-B)"