UNIT-1 ( AC circuits )

TOPICS:- Generation of EMF, Phasor Quantities, RMS, Average, Form Factor, Peak Factor Etc, Phasor Diagrams; Single Phase AC Circuits: R, L, C And Combinations, Resonance, QFactor, Bandwidth; Three Phase AC Circuits: Generation, EMF, Phase Sequence, Analysis of Star and Delta Connections, and Power Measurement In Single Phase& Three Phase Circuit.

UNIT-2 ( DC Circuits )

TOPICS:- Kirchoff’s laws, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, Max power transfer theorem, Superposition theorem.

UNIT-3 ( Magnetic Circuits )

TOPICS:- Electromagnetism, Magnetic flux, Magnetic flux density, Intensity of magnetization, B-H curves, hysteresis and eddy current losses, Magnetic circuit calculations, laws of Electro-magnetic induction, Magnetic induction, Lifting power of an electromagnet

UNIT-4 ( Transformer )

TOPICS:- Construction, principle, ideal transformer, EMF equations, Analysis of transformer on no load and load conditions, Equivalent resistance and reactance, voltage regulations, transformer losses Transformer testing, transformer efficiency, Types of transformer, Cooling methods, Auto transformer.

UNIT-5 ( Rotating electric Machines )

TOPICS:- Construction, working principles, EMF equations, Characteristics, Torque equations of DC machines (generators & motors), 3-phase synchronous and induction motor, single phase induction motor.

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Made By:-"Abhay Bhadauriya (CSE-B)"