UNIT-1 ( Optics-I )

UNIT-2 ( Optics-II )

TOPICS:- Polarization of Light Waves, Double refraction, Nicol Prism, Half Wave & Quarter Wave plates, Circularly & elliptically polarized light, Polarimeter; LASER: Stimulated & spontaneous emission, Population Inversion, Optical Resonator, Einstein’s coefficients, HeNe Laser, Co2 Laser, Semiconductor Laser; Optical Fiber: types of Fibers (material, refractive index, mode), Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, V-Number, Propagation of Light through Fibers, Applications.

UNIT-3 ( Crystal Structure and Semiconductors )

TOPICS:- Symmetry & properties of Simple crystal structure, Miller’s Indices, Interplanar spacing, production and properties of x-ray, Bragg’s law; Semiconductors: Band theory of Semiconductors, Intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi level , pn junction diode, LED, Zener diode, npn&pnp Transistors.

UNIT-4 ( Electromagnetism )

TOPICS:- Continuity equation for Charge & Current, Inconsistency of Ampere’s law for time varying field, Concept of Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations; Wave equations for E & H, Propagation of one dimensional electromagnetic waves in dielectric medium, Energy density in electromagnetic field: Poynting Vector.

UNIT-5 ( Quantum Physics )

TOPICS:- Planck’s law, Compton’s effect, Concept of Matter Waves, Devison&Germer’s experiment, Phase velocity & Group velocity, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle; Schrodinger ‘s Wave Equation, Interpretation of Wave function Ψ, Time dependent & Time Independent equations, Schrodinger’s Wave equation for a free particle in a box.

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Made By:-"Abhay Bhadauriya (CSE-B)"